Con Book

Like any other furry convention, we are having a con book for our attendees as well. And as anyone would agree, con books without any illustrations are rather boring to look at. That is why we encourage the artists among our attendees to provide art for the con book.

There are primarily two kinds of illustrations you can help us with. The first category are full-page illustrations. These should be the size of an A4 paper at 300 DPI, with 3mm bleed added on all four sides. This results in an optimal resolution of 2551px * 3578px.

Since the pages can be cropped anywhere within the bleed region, it is advised to not draw any important parts in those areas. You should also keep a safety margin of about 5mm from the edge for important elements.

You can use the following templates for reference. Please not that double-page submissions are possible but will be used sparely and not in the center fold:

The other kind of illustrations you can supply are smaller fillers, either in the form of images with backgrounds or characters on a transparent background. Keep in mind that transparent images should be submitted as PNG-24 with transparency enabled. All other images can be submitted as JPEG with the quality level set to maximum.

All submitted illustrations must be safe for work. We recommend to have your submissions fit the theme of the convention.

So again, if you are an artist, we encourage you to be part of this and submit your art before November 1 so we can consider it to be included in the con book. Every artist will be listed in the appendix.

Please send your submissions to If your files are larger than 1 or 2 MB, please upload them to a file share and just send us the link. Include the nickname and a social media link you'd like to be credited under.